Thursday, January 31, 2013

Delmanor Northtown Residents Support the North York Women's Shelter

The residents of Delmanor Northtown have been actively involved with the North York Women's Shelter over the past several years.

Deborah and Sojie, representatives from the Women's Shelter came to Delmanor Northtown to discuss the positive impact made by their support & contributions on the shelter.  They explained the importance of the shelter and how together we can help make a brighter tomorrow for many women and their children living in the North York community.

With fundraising and donations, the residents of Delmanor Northtown have proven that they do listen and show support when there is a need in their community.

The Delmanor seniors really do care.  This opportunity allowed them to hear how their efforts make a significant difference for many struggling women and their children.

If you would like to obtain  more information about retirement living at Delmanor Northtown or to arrange a tour of the residence, please contact Laurie Fortin, Marketing & Community Relations Manager at (416) 225-9146 or online at

If you would like more information about the North York Women's Shelter or how you can help, please contact (416) 635-9630 or at

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