Saturday, January 2, 2016

Delmanor Prince Edward's Gingerbread House Contest!

Wonderful holiday events were taking place all over Delmanor Prince Edward this year!  One of the highlights of the season was when residents and team members came together in the LivingWell Center to create the most lavish, spectacular, and most delicious gingerbread houses! The friendly competition sparked excitement in all of the participants, as each team tried to win the title of Delmanor Prince Edward's BEST Gingerbread House of the season!

After an hour of creativity, plenty of icing, and a countless number of candies, the LivingWell Centre and the Delmanor Prince Edward decorators were submersed in the colours and spirit of Christmas!  As the contest came to a close, the judges made their final was concluded that both of the Gingerbread House creations were equally beautiful in their own unique way!  It was a two-way tie!

This event was so much more than a contest to make the best gingerbread house, it was a fun & festive way to create wonderful holiday memories that will be cherished always!

If you would like to learn more about retirement living at Delmanor Prince Edward, or to arrange a tour of the residence, please contact Julie, Pam or Monique, Marketing & Community Relations Managers at (416) 233-0725 or online at

#delmanor #delmanorprinceedward #inspiredretirement

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