Monday, May 18, 2015

The 'Great Gatsby Affair' at Delmanor Prince Edward

The residents and team members of Delmanor Prince Edward hosted The Great Gatsby Affair inspired by the literary classic, “The Great Gatsby”. The evening was filled with live jazz music and dancing central to the era of the roaring twenties. Residents and team members dressed the part in dazzling dresses and suits, feather boas and headbands with pearls and top hats, livening the atmosphere and truly making the party reminiscent of one hosted by the famous, Jay Gatsby.

Joan, Al & Daphna

Residents & Team Members Dancing the Night Away!
The dinner selection included a Caesar salad, roasted red pepper soup, a choice between wild Atlantic Salmon and roasted turkey, both with a side of seasoned vegetables and mashed potatoes, and finished with a chocolate tart as a delicious dessert. Champagne was shared and the famous Mint Julep, a drink from the twenties, was featured on the drink menu for the evening.

With the Old Mill Pub completely decorated in gold, black, and silver, the three-piece jazz band, Jossy and the Band, played plenty of classic hits that had the audience out of their seats and singing along all throughout the evening!

Bill, Millie & Barbara

Arthur & Mary

Residents had a wonderful time enjoying familiar music from the Jazz age in Prince Edward’s Old Mill Pub, while surrounding themselves with great company, delicious food and beverages, and plenty of dancing. Another successful event and more vibrant memories created at Delmanor Prince Edward!

If you would like to learn more about the exciting events held at Delmanor Prince Edward or to arrange a tour of the residence, please contact Julie, Pam or Monique, Marketing & Community Relations Managers at (416) 233-0725 or online at

#delmanor #delmanorprinceedward #greatgatsbyaffair #greatgatsby

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