Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Wonderful World of Circus at Delmanor Elgin Mills

It's a rare occasion if a circus show can not bring a smile to the faces of its audience.  This was definitely true for the residents and guests of Delmanor Elgin Mills the day that the circus came to town!

The fun filled presentation consisted of a dove show, a dog show, extraordinary juggling, along with a fascinating magician.  There was excellent participation from audience members as performers invited residents to hold twirling balls and catch flying doves.  The audience members were dancing to the upbeat music that kept Delmanor Elgin Mills buzzing with excitement throughout the entire show!

The canine portion of the event was surely one of the most popular with the seniors.  Exceptionally well trained poodles performed amazing feats of agility and balance; jumping through and over hoops and balancing gracefully on balls.

Most commonly, memories of attending a circus stem from childhood.  This was indeed true for many of the Delmanor Elgin Mills seniors, many of whom hadn't attended a circus since their youth.  The excitement and thrills that were delivered from the performance could be felt throughout the entire retirement community!

Residents and guests were laughing and had smiles on their faces during the show and for many hours after it had ended while speaking to friends about some of the highlights.  A few of the seniors even took part in the show as volunteers for some of the acts. 

We all know how laughter is a wonderful pick-me-up, and this event certainly was a huge success in bringing smiles and laughter to the residents of Delmanor Elgin Mills.

If you would like to learn more about retirement living at Delmanor Elgin Mills, or to arrange a tour of the residence, please contact Susan Applebaum, Marketing & Community Relations Manager at (905) 770-7963 or online at

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