Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Mad Hatter's Ladies Bonspiel!

Delmanor Prince Edward is a proud new sponsor of the Annual Mad Hatter Ladies Bonspiel at the Weston Golf and Country Club!

There were curlers that attended this popular event from all over the GTA and beyond.  As the exciting event progressed, the power went out to the building, leaving the curlers waiting to be able to declare the winners.  The curlers decided to break for lunch to enjoy the meal and all of the fantastic hats that were worn in honor of the special event.  With almost all of the 48 curlers participating wearing fantastic hats for the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, it was difficult to choose the team with the best hats!  After careful observation, the team from St. George, all wearing hand made hats, were voted to have the winning hats from the event!

All of the curlers had a wonderful time at the Weston Mad Hatter's Ladies Bonspiel.  Guests were very grateful for the sponsorship that was provided by Delmanor Prince Edward, and enjoyed learning briefly about the retirement community from Marketing Manager, Julie.

If you would like to learn more about inspired retirement living at Delmanor Prince Edward, or to arrange a tour of the residence, please contact Julie or Pam, Marketing & Community Relations Managers at (416) 233-0725 or online at delmanor.com.

#inspiredretirement #delmanor #delmanorprinceedward #westongolfandcountry

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