Monday, November 30, 2015

Delmanor Northtown's, Tribute To Paris

On Friday, November 13th  2015, the world was forever changed by the violent attacks on the beautiful city of Paris, France. Just like the entire world, the community of Delmanor Northtown was shaken by this event.  Instead of giving in to the fear and anger that followed, residents and team members decided to pay a tribute to the citizens of France with their own “L’hymne à l’amour”.  

The day began with a peaceful hymn that touched the hearts of the residents.  Team members and visitors wore blue, white and red, along with an "I Love Paris" pin to show their solidarity.

In the afternoon, Trio Gratoro performed their Tribute to Paris concert.  Each and every note played was dedicated to those whose lives have forever been changed by these devastating acts. The letter from Antoine Leiris to the terrorists was read to the audience and the room was filled with hope, love and tears.
The tribute solidified the intention for the day: as a community, Delmanor Northtown supports our French cousins, and they send their love and prayers across the vast miles that separate them. 

 It was an incredible day for everyone.  Love, peace and hope shone in all of the residents' hearts. Together, as a community, the Delmanor Northtown residents did not only feel connected to each other, but also to the world around them.

If you would like to obtain more information about retirement living at Delmanor Northtown or to arrange a tour of the residence, please contact Kelly James or Laurie Fortin, Marketing & Community Relations Manager at (416) 225-9146 or visit on line at

#delmanornorthtown #inspiredretirementliving #parisattacks

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