Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Delmanor Glen Abbey Residents Dance Away the Afternoon!

Delicate silks were flowing to the sound of exotic music when 'Belly Up' came to Delmanor Glen Abbey to teach the residents a few of their unique dance moves. The talented five woman team of 'Belly Up' twisted and swayed in perfect unison, enchanting the audience with an energetic vibe that encouraged many to join in. A lively dance show of gracious form, waving fans and silk scarves unfurled, leading up to easy lessons for anyone daring enough to try. 

Belly dancing is an art form of such beautiful expression and movement that the audience was involved and captivated at every level. The wonderful display of artistic movement was greeted with a resounding applause, much like the many performances at Delmanor Glen Abbey that encourage viewers to participate, learn and express themselves.

The unique combination of exercise and artistic enlightenment brought energy to everyone, garnering rave reviews as well as increased vitality for days afterwards.

If you would to gain further information about retirement living at Delmanor Glen Abbey or to arrange a tour of the retirement community please contact James Lofranco, Marketing & Community Relations Manager at (905) 469-3232 or online at
#delmanor #delmanorglenabbey #bellyup

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