Monday, July 7, 2014

The National, "The Laughter Workshop", and Delmanor Northtown!

Delmanor Northtown offers a variety of recreational programs, one of which is called The Laughter Workshop. Programs like The Laughter Workshop that are offered at Delmanor Northtown, along with the Delmanor LivingWell Program, remind the residents and staff just how important it is to have a sense of humour and have fun with their daily quote Mark Twain, "he who laughs, last!"

The Laughter Workshop has become wildly popular and continues to do so with each and every presentation.  Outlining the benefits of laughter for those of all ages, has sparked the interest of many, including CBC's, The National.

Lisa, the instructor of The Laughter Workshop felt that Delmanor Northtown would make a perfect setting to film the show for The National.  The residents of Delmanor Northtown were thrilled to be chosen to be a part of the studio audience for the filming of the show.  The seniors are always happy to get involved with beneficial and innovative programs. 

If you would like to learn more about the many ways that residents enjoy retirement life everyday at Delmanor Northtown, please contact Laurie or Kelly at Delmanor Northtown at (416)225-9146 or online at

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