Saturday, December 21, 2013

Technology Workshop Sponsored by Delmanor Prince Edward

Seniors everywhere are using technology to enhance their quality of life, stay connected to family and friends and share knowledge and wisdom.

Chris Bint and his team travel across the GTA teaching seniors about computers, laptops, tablets, facebook, twitter and so much more!

This very popular seminar held at the Islington Seniors Centre was sponsored by Delmanor Prince Edward, who also provided bus transportation and refreshments for the guests.  The seniors in attendance were thrilled with the opportunity to learn more about computers and technology and how they could enhance their lives and stay better connected with loved ones.

There were 80 seniors in attendance to this workshop, many of who asked intriguing questions that were thoroughly answered by the informative presenter Chris Bint.

The event was such a tremendous success that Delmanor Prince Edward will be sponsoring another workshop in the Spring!

If you would like to learn more about Delmanor Prince Edward, the exciting new property from Delmanor Seniors Communities scheduled to open in the Spring of 2014, you can contact Nikki Lewis or Julie Shuster at (416) 233-0725 to visit the presentation centre or more information is available online at

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