Monday, March 18, 2013

The Delmanor Experience - LivingWell

March is National Nutrition Month and everywhere you look there is abundant advice on food and nutrition.  One of the common myths is that most of our sodium intake comes from the salt shaker on our tables; however, 75% of the sodium in our diets actually comes from processed foods.  It’s a good idea to consider thoughtfully the importance of each dietary decision, particularly how each can affect immunity, energy and mood levels.

While good nutrition is essential for people of every age, dietary requirements of older adults make healthy eating even more important than ever.  Older adults can experience a dangerous cycle:  health problems can lead to appetite loss and difficulty eating, which can in turn worsen your state of health. 
A nutritious diet provides sufficient vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fat - a good balance of foods from all food groups.  The best way to get the nutrients we need is to eat a variety of foods every day.  As we grow older, changes occur in the way our bodies use food.  Our metabolism slows down and our activity level often decreases, which means most of us need fewer calories to stay at a healthy weight.  But the need for nutrients remains the same - so we need to “eat smart” and avoid junk foods that contain excess calories, but few nutrients. 
Eating right can give you a sharper mind, a greater resistance to disease and illness, higher energy levels and a healthier immune system.  Bon appetite!

Brought to you by your LivingWell Coaches.

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