Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Steps to LivingWell

Put a spring in your step! If you detect a whiff of spring in the air, now is the ideal time to make the most of it.  Health experts say taking daily breaks in the fresh air can help us relax, but can also offer a whole range of health benefits. From boosting your fitness levels to fighting cancer, the great outdoors is an effective, alternative medicine.
You can help alleviate stress by breathing your way to good health through the simple practice of yogic breathing. Among other things, breathing loads your blood with oxygen, which maintains your health at the most desirable level. Shallow breathing doesn't oxygenate your blood very efficiently. As a result, toxins can build up in your  body’s cells. Before you know it, you feel sluggish and down, and eventually organs begin to malfunction. Is it any wonder that conscious breathing is the best tool you have to profoundly affect your body and mind?

Try the following exercise (outdoors ideally, weather permitting):

1. Sit comfortably in a chair.

2. Close your eyes and visualize a peacefully scene.

3. Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply through your nose.

4. Lengthen your breath for 20 rounds (breaths).

5. Continue breathing like this with your eyes closed and notice the difference in how you feel overall.

Breath work is a type of breathing practice that leads you to inner peace, expands your awareness and helps you create connection with your body. Breathe for the health of it!
Brought to you by your LivingWell coaches.

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