Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Steps to LivingWell

A health checklist should be a part of any travel plans.  If you have a health condition that requires medication or special assistance, you can plan an enjoyable trip that will accommodate your needs.  Start by planning the duration of the holiday in conjunction with the suggestions of your doctor and check that the destination location has suitable medical facilities, just in case.

Prior to traveling, consider making photocopies of your current prescriptions and keep one copy safely back home with a family member and another copy with your travel documents. In case your medications are lost, a local health care provider will be able to more easily help issue new medications.

Ensure that you have travel insurance.  As you mature, your likelihood of requiring medical attention grows, and seeking such attention can be costly. Reduce Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), a condition that causes a blood clot (generally in the legs), by walking around every 45 minutes, raising your legs and drinking plenty of water.

Travel stress is very real. It can affect you before, during or after your trip. Remember to eat healthy meals, stay hydrated, rest and practice quick breathing relaxation techniques to push stress away.

Enjoy your vacation. Age should not restrict you from travelling, as long as you plan accordingly. Remember to pack your smile; it’s the most important thing you can bring along on any holiday.

Brought to you by your LivingWell Coaches.

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