Saturday, December 26, 2015

Delmanor Prince Edward's Holiday Bazaar

Delmanor Prince Edward held their first annual "Holiday Bazaar", featuring vendors from the local community that displayed their goods and creations just in time for the holiday season.

Many Delmanor Residents, along with local residents from the community, were on site taking advantage of the wonderful gift giving ideas that were presented to them.  Local stores brought items such as beautiful jewelry, hand made knitted items, beauty products, fashion wear, confectionery, local cheeses, and fresh baked goods all of which were very popular at the holiday event!

The Prince Edward Holiday Bizarre hosted a raffle draw where guests took a chance to win a big screen TV, coffee makers, or a crock pot.  Proceeds from the raffle amounted to over $1,100, and were donated to the local food bank to assist those in need over the holidays.

Everyone that attended the event agreed that the Delmanor Prince Edward's Holiday Bizarre was a wonderful success, and definitely something that should continue in years to come!

If you would like to learn more about retirement living at Delmanor Prince Edward, or to arrange a tour of the residence, please contact Pam, Julie or Monique, Marketing & Community Relations Managers at (416) 233-0725 or online at

#delmanor #delmanorprinceedward #inspiredretirement

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