Sunday, August 16, 2015

In the Shadow of the Volcano Exhibit at Delmanor Northtown

Delmanor Northtown welcomed the Royal Ontario Museum and their latest and very astonishing exhibit - Pompeii.

As one of the most popular tourist attractions in Italy, Pompeii, with its fascinating history dating back before 79 AD has marvelled tourists for over 250 years.

The ROM exhibit showcases how almost 2000 yeas ago, one of the more active and dangerous volcanoes on the European Mainland, Mount Vesuvius, erupted with tremendous force and little warning.  The Southern Italian town - Pompeii, was a highly advanced Roman city at the time with a population of 11,000 people, a complex water system, an amphitheatre, gymnasium and a port.

Within 24 hours the eruption destroyed the city, killing all of its inhabitants and burying it under tons of ash.  The presenters from the Royal Ontario Museum shared with the guests and residents of Delmanor Northtown this fascinating story of Pompeii.  The residents were able to see up close some of the amazing artifacts from so long ago.

It was a unique and captivating experience for everyone.  The artifacts impressed the audience with their unbelievable preservation due to being trapped under the ash and debris and away from moisture and air for so many centuries!

The Delmanor Northtown Seniors had a wonderful time learning about the city of Pompeii and being able to see some of this wonderful exhibit from the comfort of their own homes.

If you would like to learn more about retirement living at Delmanor Northtown or to arrange a tour of the residence, please contact Laurie Fortin, Marketing & Community Relations Manager at (416) 225-9146 or online at

#delmanornorthtown #delmanor #inspiredretirement #pompeii

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