Thursday, August 7, 2014

Steps to LivingWell

Pole Walking (also known as Nordic Walking) isn’t new – it’s just relatively new to North America. So it is understandable that it is still seen as a mystery to many, why anyone would want to walk around with a pair of poles (resembling ski poles) in their hands, without skis strapped to their feet or snow on the ground.
Pole Walking can be enjoyed by everyone from the casual walker to the more serious, athletic walker. It is popular amongst 55 to 75 year olds (with a large amount of happy, healthy 75 to 98 olds as well). The reason for this is that most people in this age category already love to walk. They walk socially, for fun or for exercise, so adding Poles simply makes sense. Pole Walking makes walking more beneficial (increasing cardio and calorie burn) and it actually takes less effort to do and is easier on the body; lessening the impact when hitting the ground – on your back, hip, knee, ankle and/or feet.  It’s not surprising they are excited & can’t wait to get going.

Walking with Poles gives you a wonderfully tall feeling - naturally aligning your spine & strengthening your core while engaging more muscles than if you were walking without Poles.

People often perceive this professional athletic cross-training exercise as an activity for older or injured people. It’s unfortunate for those who don’t realize the health benefits. Way to go” for those smart, open minded, older adults who are willing to give it a try! Walk – on everyone!

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