Thursday, August 22, 2013

Delmanor Wynford Hosts a Progressive Bridge Tournament!

Bridge is a very popular past time with the residents at Delmanor Wynford.  You will often find impromptu games of bridge taking place among the seniors through the retirement residence.  A progressive tournament was arranged for residents & community members with very special guests in attendance.

Barbara Seagram was born in Barbados, West Indies.  She is a Registered Nurse, a bridge teacher, author and administrator.  Along with  her professional bridge teaching business, Barbara co-wrote eighteen bridge books including her widely known 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know.  The book is in it's 13th printing and has been translated into French, German, Japanese and Danish.  It has been named the top selling bridge book of the last 50 years!

Alex Kornel is a Gold Life Master with 4000 master points. He has been playing bridge since he was 7 years old. He and his wife, Barbara Seagram, owned and operated the Kate Buckman Bridge Studio for many years. It became the largest bridge club in Canada and the 4th largest on the continent. In 2006, it won the American Contract Bridge League award for "Top Bridge Club in North America".
Alex is a certified director and instructor and has a great love of the game. Those who participated in the bridge tournament realized that they had much to learn as they discovered some finer points of the game while they played.

The Tournament is on!

Barbara and her husband Alex Kornell now own and operate the Barbara Seagram School of Bridge.  The Delmanor Wynford residents were thrilled to have Barbara and Alex present for their Progressive Bridge Tournament to gain some further insight and perhaps a tip or two from the masters.  Alex awarded each of the tournament consolation winners with a copy of the Barbara's book - Pocket Guide to Bridge.  Residents of Delmanor Wynford and friends from the community were thrilled to be a part of this informative and enlightening afternoon. 

The delightful strawberry shortcake

Alex Kornell

There were 8 tables of bridge players that took place in the event.  Although everyone had fantastic time, the winners of the tournament were: 

1st Place was Gordon Frattini
2nd Place was Maude Stapley
3rd Place was Sue Abernethy

Delmanor Wynford Head Chef, Charmaine Pelletier prepared a delicious strawberry shortcake that was enjoyed by everyone after the tournament.

If you would like to learn more about the exciting activities taking place at Delmanor Wynford or if you would like to learn more about retirement living, please contact Pam Palmer or Monique Kuhn, Marketing & Community Relations Managers at (416) 331-9797 or online at

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