Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Talking Finances, With Delmanor Northtown

If money grew on trees, well there would be no need for expert financial advice!

Since this is not the case and we have to grow and protect our nest eggs, Delmanor Northtown brought in professionals in the field of finance that are based  in the local North York area.  This financial dream-team included a Lawyer, an Investment Specialist and a Financial Consultant. 

In the area of finances there is always valuable information to gain, as things change when it comes to tax efficient strategies that align retirement and estate plans.  Residents, families and invited guests were able to ask questions and gain from their insight in many areas such as transferring wealth across generations.

All of the residents and guests thoroughly enjoyed this interesting and informative workshop!

 To learn more about the many benefits of retirement living at Delmanor Northtown please call 416-225-9146 to speak with Laurie or Keri, or visit online at delmanor.com

#delmanor #delmanornorthtown #inspiredretirement 

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