Saturday, December 22, 2012

Delmanor Elgin Mills WOW's at the Santa Claus Parade

Oh what fun it was to participate in the Richmond Hill Santa Claus Parade!

The Delmanor bus was decorated to the theme of postcards and postage stamps and made a grand performance at the parade.  Delmanor Elgin Mills residents rode the streets of the Richmond Hill parade route and waved to on-lookers as the Delmanor bus passed by.

Delmanor residents outside the festive bus

The community loved seeing the seniors as they waved their stuffed dolls and toys.  The fun and festive bus with the happy and jolly residents aboard brought the attention of even the youngest of the parade audience to the bus.

This happy day warmed the hearts of the Delmanor seniors and staff by witnessing all of the joy that the Delmanor bus brought to the parade.  The parade ushered in the holiday season while the seniors drank hot chocolate, ate cookies and sang along to the holiday music on board the bus.

The annual Santa Claus Parade is a wonderful reminder to all children and the young at heart of the special meaning of the season.  Delmanor Elgin Mills was happy to have taken part in in this fun and happy annual event.

If you would like more information about Delmanor Elgin Mills or if you would like to arrange a tour of the retirement residence please contact Susan Applebaum, Marketing & Community Relations Manager at (905) 770-7963 or online at

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